Phil and Lil are often forgotten, while Tommy, Chuckie, and Angelica enjoy all of the attention devoted to them. From episodes, to clothing, to commercials, Phil and Lil are often nowhere to be seen, but Tommy and the others are everywhere! This page is meant to pay a tribute to Phil and Lil with a list of the reasons why they are so GREAT! 1) They are funny While Tommy, Chuckie and Angelica all get their turn to make you laugh, Phil and Lil make you smile and giggle more often. 2) They're Cute Of course all of the Rugrats are cute, but Phil and Lil just have something about them that makes them look even more adorable. 3) They always voice their opinion Whenever the twins have something on their mind, they say it! Whether it's what they think about each other, or what they have to say about an adventure, the twins never stay quiet. 4) They Love Adventures Phil and Lil love adventures. They are always eager to go along on another one and they hate to be left behind. 5) They're Twins Phil and Lil are the only twins on Rugrats, making them pretty special! Being twins, they always have someone to play with. (and someone to argue with!)
Who could not like Phil and Lil???